Routine veterinary, reproductive, and alternative therapy services are available in clinic with no haul-in fee. Additional services that are exclusive to in-clinic treatment include:

Medical Boarding

We offer three stalls in our heated clinic for boarding of our equine patients. Each stall is fitted with a Thorobed stall mattress and an open air stall front to allow complete monitoring of patients and increased air flow without allowing contact between stalls. Our staff is well trained to perform necessary medical care and monitoring of your horse in the event you are unable to do so.


If your horse suffers from a soft tissue injury or other condition that requires an extended period of rest and physical rehabilitation, Henderson Equine can provide top-notch services. In addition to our dedicated staff and comfortable facility, we have access to an arsenal of alternative therapies that can help improve the healing process.

Intensive Support

Medical conditions such as complicated wounds, medically-manageable colics, and non-healing eye ulcers often require care and attention multiple times per day. We are well-equipped to monitor many of these kinds of cases (and more) throughout the day as needed.


The TheraPlate employs impact free vibration to increase circulation, relax stiff muscles, and provide isotonic exercise. This can support horses with laminitis, abscesses, arthritis, and chronic conditions where increased blood flow may be helpful. It can also be used to maintain fitness in stall rested horses and warm up performance horses prior to competition. Horses can be boarded at the clinic for treatment or have scheduled sessions on a haul-in basis during business hours. Read more about TheraPlate here.